Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fruit Loop Mamma Jamma Root Beer Float

Sean Combs must have an incredibly boring life. He changes his name with alarming frequency. Now he's calling himself Diddy Dirty Money, or some variant of that.

I get bored sometimes. Perhaps I should change my name. Maybe..... Malificent? like that evil witch lady on Sleeping Beauty.  Or I could be Fruit Loop Mamma Jamma Root Beer Float. Yeah. Let's just go with that one.

Call me Root Beer Float.

The Root Beer Float.

So today The Root Beer Float decided that she was waaaaaaaaaaaay too tired to be trusted with everyday tasks such as "driving" or "making decisions" or "packing the diaper bag properly".  Today I feel so tired that I almost feel drunk. You know that feeling, where everything is funny and the word "magnet" sends you into hysterics and fits of giggles.

My husband and I are talking about how I want to have awesome birthday parties for our son, and he, not listening says "birthing parties? you want to have birthing parties"? At this point, i rolled up a sock and a soiled bib and threw them violently in his direction for not paying enough attention to what I was saying.  I feel like my point would have come across with more force and effect if my aim was better. I didn't hit him with either projectile. It wasn't even close. How sad.

I'm kind of sad that when I was pregnant with my son that my belly button didn't pop out.

I'm starting not to be proud of the decisions that I'm making so I think it's time for bed.

Goodnight y'all.
Sorry for tonight's let down. At least I feel let down.


  1. Woah...Okay first of all, you did NOT let me nor anyone down. If IF anybody was let down, they're imaginary or they really suck and should poke themselves in the eye repeatedly...Not to mention if I could, I'd totally fly to Georgia to give you a big hug and remind you how utterly awesome you are. You know why? Because you are! the post was a bit poignant overall but I enjoyed the first part.I was sad about the last part. Your new name idea is great! Should i change your name in my contact list to Rootbeer Float, The ? :) Well, I'm going to go send you a FB Email...Merry Christmas and have an AWESOME New Years!

  2. i miss you! we need to skype ASAP.

    And my hair is falling out at an alarming frequency, did yours every stop, is it a postpartum thing?


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