Saturday, November 6, 2010

i see what you did there

i'm on to you, fast food chains. i see what you're doing with your clever "limited time only our cheap food is even cheaper" ponzi schemes.

Wendy's. Let's talk. you have 7 items for 99 cents. McDonalds, you're luring us in with promises that we can finally win at Monopoly.  and now Burger King, you're giving away some kind of X-Box game apparatus thingamajiggy. 

i see what's really happening here. you are attempting to dupe us into buying your surplus food that's sitting around in your warehouses so that you won't have to pay the extra taxes on them if you still have it after the first of the year.


and it only took me 26 years to figure it out.

in other news, my Ipod is gone.  let me specify.  my THIRD Ipod has gone missing.  it's small, and pastel green and cute and stuffed with all my favorite music and it's gone. my poor MintI FreshPod. here it is, Autumn and i'm high and dry without my Fall music; Deathcab for Cutie, Landon Pigg, and Snow Patrol. what's a girl to do.  i've been listening to the local radio stations for the last few days and i want to scrape my face off of my face.  if i have to hear that whore Kesha one more damn time she's going to get a Surprise Vocal Chord Sever in the middle of the night.

Krista's Thoughts Before Bedtime:

1.  thanks to pregnancy/motherhood i am now officially, OffICiALLy, out of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee. i am a D cup.  Respect. Recognize.

2.  on a similar note, Ronin does this thing where he likes to "scritch" on me while he's breastfeeding; it tickles sooooooooooooo much and it's all i can do to keep from laughing. sometimes i let out a giggle and it startles him; he looks up at me as if to say "what is WRONG with you, woman?"

3.  i accidentall locked my cat in the bathroom tonight for about an hour. poor kitteh.

4.  um... this post is kind of lame. sorry folks.

5.  3 days until i go to TEXAS for a month! i LOVE going back to my native land. Texans are the best kinds of people.  Recognize!

6.  my husband does this new thing where he likes to make me laugh until i have to pee.  i love it, but it's so frustrating trying to sprint for the bathroom before i leak everywhere.  we're so romantic.

7.  i have never licked a frog.  i have had one pee in my palm though...


  1. Uhm... *scratches head* hmm...okay. This was...well i dunno where your label of "mandatory sex party" came from but *shrug*

  2. Texas has been preparing for the last 3 months to welcome home it's highly favored daughter and her adorable offspring!


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