Sunday, April 17, 2011

Old Yeller, Most Accurate Fairy Tale Ever.

i'm always searching for the perfect tattoo... and i think i've found it:

the heartbreak kid is one of the worst movies i've ever seen.

they treat marriage like you treated fashion trends in high school. like it's something that doesn't matter, that's easily undone, and like it's no big deal.

it infuriates me.

why doesn't anyone take the Big Things in life seriously anymore?  i do.

i'm sorry that i've been all Debby Downer lately, but life has been an awful rotten shit-storm lately.

it's not been fun. i'm hanging in there, but set to go see the Brain Rangers over at MCG.

i need me some meds. it is WAY TOO CRAZY in my head right now. i'm feeling way toooo much and i think i'd rather just numb it a bit while i sort through it.

i'd like to think that i must be a strong woman; i haven't fallen completely apart yet. i wonder how others would do dealing with my things that need dealing with. would they go bat-shit crazy? would they jump from the building and "aim for the bushes"?

who knows.

my kitten is suspitiously watching me type over her shoulder. i guess she wants to make sure i'm not tattling to the Interwebs about her. silly kitteh.

in other news, i agree with some of the ladies on facebook this morning. disney lied. there's no such thing as a fairy tale ending. the ugly duckling grows up to be a grotesquely ugly duck.  Cinderella's prince has to help her deal with the fact that even though she married into royalty, that her parents are still dead and she was mistreated and neglected for most of her life. 

they did get Old Yeller right though. they have to shoot the boy's best friend and then life kind of just sucks all the way around.

things aren't always what they seem. this week the rose colored glasses came off and i had to see things the way that they really are and the way that they've been.

it wasn't fun. there were tears. and running make-up cuz i switched from waterproof to regular about 3 weeks ago. and then walking around looking like a sad/scary clown cuz i still have this blue/pink hair and i had mascara streaks all down my cheeks.

ha, rhyme.

i realized yesterday that, in all honesty to myself, Life for me has been a "run out the clock" type situation for quite a while now. i get up, i play with the Wunderkind, and i count down the hours until i can go back to sleep and make my head shutthafuccup.

maybe things would be better if i could just sleep for a week. you know, wake up when things are better. they just have to get better.

i'm sorry that this post isn't funny or happy either. for the record, i did try. but this is all that came out of my fingertips.  writing does help my thinking/sorting/processing though, so i guess it's not been a total waste.

Things That Are Awful or Awesome:

1) our neighbors behind us neglected their Collie, which i assume died. now they have two new yappy dogs that they also leave outside and neglect. Some people..... AWFUL.

2)  haven't gotten a phone call lately from my stalker. maybe he's dead. i don't care. he can go rub tin can lids across his eyeballs for all i care. i'm just glad he's not calling me at 1am anymore to say "i love you" or to say other equally creepy things to me. AWESOME.

3) this week. AWFUL.

4) nauseous all the time from stress. ALSO AWFUL.

5) found some wonderful books yesterday for Ronin's library to include several Dr. Seuss books, Berenstein Bears,  Choose Your Own Adventures, The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, and Shiloh. AWESOME.

6) finding out that sometimes all you get when you dig into the past is more reasons to lay awake at night feeling terrible: AWFUL.

7) this video, incredibly sad but so powerful at the same time. and for that reason, AWESOME. only watch it if you need to cry.

8) my cat is now on the floor, viciously chasing her tail. i'd be suprised if she hasn't drawn blood already. AWESOME.

9) new Lemon cinnamon rolls from pillsbury... WE'LL HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE UNTIL THEY'RE DONE COOKING.

10) being stuck behind the COUPON HOARDER at walmart yesterday.... AWFUL. seriously. all my frozen stuff wasn't frozen anymore. i can understand wanting to save money, but when you're arguing with the clerk about whether something costs 2.79 or 2.89 then maybe, just maybe, you might have allowed coupon clipping to send you spiraling towards a psychotic break.

that is all. if you guys have any ideas for something fun that i could write about, then please, comment here (you can do it anonymously), or catch me on facebook. i think i even have my email on my blog profile so take you're pick.

i need me some happy ideas. i want to be all cool and Make A Comeback like P-Diddy... i'm sorry, Diddy Durty Money does all the time, but i need some help. a literary makeover, if you will. so don't be shy.

i'm not.

1 comment:

Don't be shy; I want to hear what you have to say.