Monday, April 4, 2011

after ten years...

i finally did it. i went kah-razy with my hair. in case you can't tell, that's pastel bubble-gum pink on top/side with some bright teal on my left side and underneath. boom.

i'm a wild and out-there kinda gal, in case y'all hadn't already figured it out; so i feel like this hairstyle adequately pinpoints the finer aspects of my bubbly personality.

i've got quite  a bit of Bailey's in me so this is proving to be more difficult than i anticipated so i think i'll just wrap this up.

no earth shattering news, no off the walls banter. just an update into how awesome i continually am.

also, i'm getting mah sexy back. went to the mall and totally got some smiles/stares. in a GOOD way, at that.

Krista's Thoughts Before Bedtime:

1)  If i could spend all my (our) money at Victoria's Secret I would. stay posted for pics of me in the VS gear that i bought today. expect it later this month.

2)  Coffee + alcohol = emergency trip to visit the loo.

3)  Now that my "health scare" is over i should probably stop self-medicating with homemade chocolate chip cookies and get my increasingly jiggly ass to the gym.

4) i am in need of more Booty Shakin' Sweat Drippin' gym music.

5)  having a vagina isn't all Hollywood and Glamour like people would have you believe.

6)  i can't wait for HBO's take on the Song of Fire and Ice series... time ta get mah Nerd on.

7)  i feel sooooo much sexier now that i have pink and teal hair. something about having cotton candy hair makes me feel like a Goddess of Temptation. now if i could only fit into my skinny skinny jeans...

8)  it dawned on me today that i only have 2 more months left in Georgia until i'll be whisked away to Maryland. I'm excited to leave, but i'm really going to miss the incredible people that i've met here. Carina, Kristy; i think i'll miss you two most of all.

9)  All you kids in Austin with guns need to calm the f*ck down. i have many many friends in that beautiful city and i need all of them to stay very much alive. kthnxbai.

10)  i typed "random" into the images search on and out of all the pictures that popped up; these two are my favorites. Leave a comment and let me know which one you vote for.


  1. Love love love the hair! You know how much more awesome and bad ass you could be with that? if you got an actual mohawk. Maybe mike might not like it but you'd SO rock it!
    also may i say when you do a post drunk? its 'kah-razy' hilarious!
    both pics are...disgusto.
    glad to hear you're over your amnesia of being awesome.
    smile. bunches and bunches of hugs,

  2. Re Thought it "later this month" yet?

  3. Alex: dont get excited. they were shirts. and one fell prey to my son's bloody lip.


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